Hello there!!
Just in case I have not mentioned it enough, Minim proudly brings you our first all-inclusive educational family vacation! We are very excited to bring the best of both worlds together: An engaging curriculum for the children AND a hassle-free family vacation. No worries about transport, accommodation, food, entertainment (for your kids)... We have reached out to places and companies that we personally LOVE and look forward to bringing you on board with us!
We made a trip down to Kobuchisawa Art Village, Yatsugatake and here is a sneak peek of the facilities and me trying my best not to reveal too much :P
Our stay will be at Hoshino Resorts Risonare, a spacious resort compound.

Some of our meals will be at the YY grill's buffet selection. You know what they say, the best place to eat with children is at the buffet!

We have managed to get 10 spacious rooms at their residence terrace, complete with living room, private bath and balcony. There are 2 room designs but here is a picture of one side of the room without revealing too much :P

The Design Thinking through Music and Arts program for the children will be conducted in their al fresco studio. We tried to view its facilities but we could not enter in as there was a wedding held in the space. The staff told us to check out their webpage to see how it looks like but all we see is wedding decorations... If it is fit for a wedding, I am sure it will be great for the children!
Oh and we also heard a lot about their indoor beach and took a look for ourselves... All we can say is, bring your swim gear!!!

Before driving off to visit the Keith Haring Museum, we stopped along one of their restaurants for some coffee and adffogato and coffee-critic Linus certainly approves of this coffee :P

We loved the trip to the museum so much! You can expect activites and reflections with the children will follow.

We left Kobochisawa Art Village feeling inspired, energized and refreshed. What can we say, Japan is awesome this way. There is so much more of Japan I want to introduce and we will not stop working hard to bring you some more educational fun in future :D
Meanwhile, registrations are open for January 6-8!! We have 10 slots and we look forward to seeing you!
Click here to view the registration page!
Till next time!