The school wide music program is a comprehensive music curriculum in English for all children during school
hours. Each cohort will have a 30 minute session once a week customized to the
developmental stage of the children and their interests.
During each session, we work on the following goals:
1. Nurturing children's musicality
All children will be exposed to the musical instruments such as:
Bell, Tambourine, Shaker, Drum, Ukulele, Castanet*
*instrument may vary slightly according to school.
All children will be exposed to the following elements of music:
Beat, Pitch, Rhythm, Dynamics, Melody, Tempo, Form, Harmony, Timbre
2. Developing other essential skills
All music sessions will also work skills as written in the minim philosophy.
Customized curriculum for each cohort:
1-2 years | The engaging world of music
2-3 years | The building blocks of music
3-4 years | Confident musicians
4-5 years | Music constructors
5-6 years | Composers of tomorrow
Daycare | 0-5 years| Our musical community
30 minutes per cohort, choose from 1 hour
Once a week
Lesson fee
18,000yen per hour
School package designed based on average attendance rate on the selected day
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1-2 years | The engaging world of music
will engage in a multi-sensorial musical experience throughout the year. They
will be exposed to different musical instruments and a wide range of songs and
Hello song
Music and Movement Songs with Instrument
Song book
Solo section (involving turn taking)
Goodbye song
2-3 years | The building blocks of music
will be exposed to a variety of songs focusing on building numeracy and
literacy. Many of their songs and dance will require lots of teamwork.
Musical skills emphasized
Pitch, Melody, Dynamics, Beat, Rhyhthm
Hello song
Music and Movement Songs with instruments
Song book
Solo section (involving turn taking)
Goodbye song
3-4 years | Confident musicians
will be given many opportunities to analyze their favourite stories from a musical perspective and
decide on how they can enact the story out through songs and instruments.
Musical skills emphasized
Timbre, Pitch, Melody, Dynamics, Beat, Rhyhthm, Tempo
Skills emphasized from minim philosophy
Physical coordination, Social skills, Literacy, Numeracy, Fine and gross motor skills, Creativity
Hello song
Music & Movement
Song book
Music analysis
Goodbye song
will be introduced musical notation as one of the building blocks to music
writing. They will also engage in many team music games and different music
genres to build their sensitivity towards music.
Musical skills emphasized
Timbre, Pitch, Melody, Dynamics, Rhythm, Beat, Tempo, Form
Skills emphasized from minim philosophy
Physical coordination, Social skills, Literacy, Numeracy, Fine and gross motor skills, Emotional skills, Creativity
Hello song
Music & movement
Music notation
Team music games
Goodbye song
5-6 years | Composers of tomorrow
classes will be focused on having the children create their own music and
building that confidence to express themselves musically. They will discover
how to make use of different instruments to add depth to the music they want to
Musical skills emphasized
Timbre, Pitch, Melody, Dynamics, Rhythm, Beat, Tempo, Form, Harmony
Skills emphasized from minim philosophy
Physical coordination, Social skills, Literacy, Numeracy, Fine and gross motor skills, Emotional skills, Creativity
Hello song
Creating music through music notation
Music listening and analysis
Team music games / creating new music
Mixed age | 0-5 years| Our musical community
can look forward to an interactive session where the older children make
requests on songs that would like to learn and customizing instruments and
movements for all younger and older ones to enjoy.
Musical skills emphasized
Pitch, Melody, Dynamics, Rhythm, Beat, Tempo
Skills emphasized from minim philosophy
Physical coordination, Social skills, Literacy, Numeracy, Fine and gross motor skills, Emotional skills, Creativity
Hello song
Music and Movement Songs with instruments
Song book
Solo section (involving turn taking)
Goodbye song