Have an infant aged 1 month to 12 months old? Here are some songs that they may love bobbing their heads and swaying their bodies to!
Check out the top 10 infant song youtube playlist!
10 - Rock a bye baby
A classic lullaby to coo your infant to sleep.
9 - Row your boat
A good song to have your child on your lap and “row” the boat front and back together!
8 - You are my sunshine
Because your baby is your sunshine ;)
7 - Old Macdonald had a farm
Classic introduction to animals in the farm and association between animal and sounds.
6 - Walking in the Jungle
Because you will need to introduce animals in the jungle too.
5 - Open Shut Them
An introduction to opposites in the English vocabulary.
4 - Finger Family Song
Children love hearing songs with familiar words they use everyday, like “mommy”, “daddy”, “sister”…
3 – Twinkle twinkle little star
A kids classic in so many languages!
2 - ABC song
You can’t leave out the ABC songs in our list of English songs… Why not learn it in sign language too?
And number 1 goes to… WHEELS ON THE BUS!!
Fantastic song that incorporates parts of the bus and their functions, easy to follow gestures to build fine motor + gross motor coordination, and combinations are endless! Be prepared for your child to request this song endlessly for the next few years ;)
I hope you find this useful!
Stay tuned for top ten songs for toddlers (1-3 year-olds) coming up.